


Research Areas

Second Language Education; Citizenship Education

Education and Research Profile

Before coming to this institution, I was involved in Japanese language education at universities in South Korea for ten years. Second language (foreign language) education today is not just about learning a language but also cross-cultural understanding and multicultural coexistence, and looking critically at existing knowledge, oneself, and the world; one needs to imbue students with the criticality to transform things for the better, and a capacity for citizenship that transcends states and cultures. Through exchange-format classes with international students here at Ochanomizu University, joint-classes with overseas universities through video conference systems or Zoom, international student forums overseas, Japanese language education and training overseas, and so on, I look at what kind of language education is required in the global era.

I also engage in research on how people acquire second languages, and work on the development of new Japanese language education materials, textbooks, dictionaries, and the like, from the perspective of cognitive linguistics.

関連リンク / Related Links

»ABE, Naofumi
»ARAKI, Minako
»WANG, Yiqiong
»OHASHI, Fumie

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