
Global Studies for Intercultural Cooperation


Global Studies for Intercultural Cooperation

Comprehension, Communication, Collaboration
Knowledge and Practice Tie the World Together

The Internet, world music, ethnic restaurants. . . . Everyday life is filled with things, information and people that transcend national borders. What kinds of knowledge, sensibilities and attitudes should we cultivate to live full lives in this age of globalization?

Unlike traditional specialized programs, Global Studies for Intercultural Cooperation allows students in any one of three departments (Liberal Arts and Humanities, Languages and Culture, Human and Social Sciences) to select it as their main program. The program also has instructors from a wide span of specialized fields. The program’s goal is to foster citizens of the new global society equipped with an understanding and appreciation of differences in cultures and the ability to cooperate and build new things together across cultures.

The Global Studies for Intercultural Cooperation program is designed to produce pioneers in this area with a new discipline of knowledge and practice.

Objective: The Three Cs Are Key

The Global Studies for Intercultural Cooperation program offers an interdisciplinary curriculum based on the three Cs described below.

Regional research and regional culture: Students learn methods of comprehension regarding the regional societies and cultures that globalization is altering.

Multicultural exchange and multicultural coexistence: Students learn theories and methods of communication with people from a diverse range of cultures based on psychological and linguistic approaches.

International relations and international cooperation: Students learn about problems and methods of collaboration between nations and cultures, gaining a full understanding cultural differences and values.

Graduates of this program take many different paths, including careers at international organizations and NGOs, corporations, the media, the civil service and teaching. Some students also go on to graduate school to polish their professional expertise.

Features: Fostering a Diverse Range of Values

In addition to specialized courses in the three stated areas—regional research and regional culture, multicultural exchange and multicultural coexistence, and international relations and international cooperation—the program offers basic courses such as Global Media, International Relations and Economics in Globalization. Along with lectures in English, there are classes using debates and classes that incorporate new formats such as television conferences as well as onsite practical training related to people and regions both domestic and international.

Fourth-year students bring together the fruits of their studies as graduation research, applying their individual experiences in fieldwork and practical training. Through communication with teachers and fellow students, they cultivate the knowledge and attitudes necessary to participate in various aspects of international exchange, international cooperation and global society.

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