
Japanese Language and Literature


Japanese Language and Literature

Understanding and identifying the Essence and Current State of Japanese Culture through Words Sparkling in a Forest of Literature

Native Japanese speakers find themselves speaking the language before they knew it. But when did the language originate, and why did it arise? You may want to understand the mechanisms and functions of all the words you might not know as well as you think you do. Why is it that those of us living today believe that we can understand the poems of the Manyoshu, which were written by people who lived such a long time ago?

The Japanese people of every era have entrusted their thoughts to words that have become steadily more sophisticated over time. Literary works are the treasure troves that contain these thoughts. Why not explore the wide forest of literature, branching off into the distant past or the modern era? This discipline will serve as a reliable compass to lead you forward.

 Objective: Focusing on Literary Works

Students in the Japanese Language and Literature program attain a fundamental ability to learn Japanese and Japanese literature, as well as to express their insights in words and master techniques for analyzing works of literature.

There are various methods of doing research. You can read old manuscripts written on traditional Japanese paper with sumi ink; meticulously reconstruct the lives of people who lived during the Heian Period; apply the latest theories for focusing on works of literature; or statistically process huge amounts of linguistic data on a PC. Whichever path you choose, you will come to learn that the crucial thing is to carefully read and deeply consider the texts for yourself.

Graduates apply their specialties by teaching or working in the media, for general corporations or as government officials. Many students continue their studies in graduate schools.

Features: Broaden Your Studies

The curriculum allows students to examine a broad range of literature from every era, starting from before the Nara Period all the way up to modern times. Language studies are also broad, and encompass everything from the basic theories of grammar and lexicology to analyses of actual everyday conversations. Although it is possible for students of other universities to graduate by only studying subjects that interest them, this program emphasizes the importance of orthodox and systematic studies. By studying a broad range of subjects, students can clearly understand what they like to focus on.

The program offers various courses such as the history of literature to overviews and outlines, as well as courses that focus on in-depth reading of literary works, and seminar courses where students investigate, think for themselves and present their findings. Finally, students are expected to put them all together and complete a B.A. thesis.

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