
グローバル文化学環 掲示板


ヴァッサー大学招聘教員による集中講義2008年9月24日~30日、ヴァッサー大学から、比較経済学のデヴィッド・ケネット教授を招いて、"Introduction to the Study of Economic System"(「経済システム研究への招待」)と題した英語による集中講義が行われました。最後の授業では、受講者全員が英語でプレゼンを行いました。

デヴィッド・ケネット教授(Professor David Kennett)の授業内容

"Introduction to the Study of Economic System"
デヴィッド・ケネット教授(Professor David Kennett)The objective of this intensive course was to introduce students with a limited background in economics to the study of comparative economics: how different economic systems deal with the fundamental questions of what to produce, how to produce it and how the resultant gains in welfare are distributed. The course initially discussed why and how economic systems change under population pressures and changing technology. Then the focus turned to a discussion on market economies and under what conditions markets function efficiently and how they correct economic disequilibria. In conclusion we examined problems of market failure: asymmetric information, monopoly, public goods and externalities and discussed under what circumstances and how government intervention might correct these problems. Examination was by student presentation.
