グローバル文化学環 掲示板


2008年2月12日から15日の4日間、米国のワシントン大学学国際学部から2名のゲスト講師を招き、「変化する世界の信仰、法、戦争――アメリカと中東」(Belief, Law and War in the Changing World: America and the Middle East)と題する集中講義が、グローバル文化学環の専門科目として行われました。講師は、法学・政治学のガド・バーシライ教授と宗教学のジェイムズ・K・ウェルマン講師です。バーシライ教授は多文化主義とグローバリゼーションという状況下での法と政治を取り上げ、ウェルマン講師は宗教に関わる暴力と平和がグローバル化する様子をテーマに話しました(詳しい内容は別ウィンドウで)。4日間に15コマを集中して学ぶというタフな日程で、講義はすべて英語で行われました。講師のみごとなリードもあって、受講生は質疑応答に果敢に挑み、最終日には全員がプレゼンを行うなど、積極的な参加が見られました。2日目にはゲストをはさんでちょっとしたランチ・パーティーもしました。最終的には24名が履修しました。

ガド・バーシライ教授(Professor Gad Barzilai)の授業内容

ガド・バーシライ教授(Professor Gad Barzilai) In this intensive course we have studied theories that may explain issues of law and politics in the context of multiculturalism and globalization, and law. After our discussions of major theoretical trends alike liberalism and communitarianism, we have carefully and systematically analyzed the challenges of the modern nation-state in the age of modern globalization while referring specifically to national minorities, cultural minorities, religious groups, immigrants, indegenous minorities, and women. Through discussing more than fifteen case-studies around the world in Asia, Australia, Africa, Europe, America, and the Middle East, we have concluded as for the possibilities to have better democracies amid globalization, while maintaining the inclusiveness of multiculturalism. During the last session in class the students presented their own lectures and ideas around the question: what globalization means for you as Japanese, women, and a citizen in the world.

ジェイムズ・K・ウェルマン講師(Assistant Professor James K. Wellman)の授業内容

ジェイムズ・K・ウェルマン講師(Assistant Professor James K. Wellman) The goal of my course on religion, violence, and peace in a global context, was to enable students formulate questions and problems in how religion mobilizes forms of militant nationalism. That is to invite students to take on the role as young scholars in the study of religion. We addressed several theories of religion and nationalism, spoke about political religion in the US and the relation of American evangelicals to the Iraq War. We then discussed the interaction of Islamic extremism and the history of suicide bombings. The students understood both the historical context for religious violence and the new global situation that nations face today. At the end, the students divided into groups and had to respond to the question of the relation of religious violence and nationalism. Each group came up with a theory of this relationship and applied this theory to a specific context. The groups made their presenations, each student taking a part in the presentations and performing very well as young scholars of religion. The class was a great success as the students developed original theories and then applied them to illumine situations of conflict in religion and nationalism. I could not have been more pleased with the young scholars that I taught at Ochanomizu University!
