
Ochanomizu University,
2-1-1, Otsuka, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 112-8610

ROOM 807, Faculty of Letters & Education, Bldg. 1
OFFICE HOUR 10:40-12:10, Mon.



氏名:森山 新
学位:文学博士(日本語教育学) 教育学修士(日本語教育学)
研究キーワード:応用言語学, 認知言語学, 第二言語習得, 日本語教育学


1997.3-1998.2 韓国 弘益大学校 師範大学 専任講師
1998.3-2001.9 韓国 世宗大学校 人文科学大学 日語日文学科 専任講師
2001.10-2005.3 日本 お茶の水女子大学 留学生センター 助教授
2005.4-2007.3 日本 お茶の水女子大学 国際教育センター 助教授
2007.4-2010.3 日本 お茶の水女子大学大学院 人間文化創成科学研究科 准教授
2011.4-2015.3 日本 お茶の水女子大学大学院 人間文化創成科学研究科 教授
2014.5-2014.9 オーストラリア UNSW Visiting Professorial Fellow
2015.4-現在 日本 お茶の水女子大学大学院 基幹研究院人文科学系 教授
1997-1999 韓国 同徳女子大学校 日語日文学科 時間講師(日文構成法など)
1997-1998 韓国 誠信女子大学校 日語日文学科 時間講師(日本語作文)
1998-1999 韓国 弘益大学校 師範大学 時間講師(教養日語)
2002-2002 韓国 同徳女子大学校大学院 日語日文学科 非常勤講師(日本語認知言語学特講)
2003-2003 日本 拓殖大学 日本語教師養成講座 講師(認知言語学と日本語教育)
2003-2004 日本 NHK日本語教師養成講座 講師(言語理解・習得・発達)
2004-2010 日本 朝日カルチャーセンター 日本語教師養成講座 講師(言語習得)
2004-2005 日本 武蔵大学 韓国・朝鮮語 非常勤講師
2005-2006 日本 フェリス女学院大学院 非常勤講師(第二言語習得)
2005-2011 日本 大東文化大学大学院 非常勤講師(日韓対照言語学)
2006-2007 日本 千葉大学文学部 非常勤講師(第二言語習得)
2006-2011 日本 拓殖大学 日本語教師養成講座 講師(第二言語習得/日韓対照言語学)
2008-2008 台湾 国立台湾大学大学院 非常勤講師(応用認知言語学)
2007-2008 日本 政策研究大学院大学 外部客員教員(認知言語学)
2009-2012 日本 宮崎大学大学院 非常勤講師(日本語教育文法特論)
2011.9-2013-8 韓国 同徳女子大学校人文科学研究所 編集委員
2012-2012 台湾 開南大学大学院 日本語学科 非常勤講師(認知言語学と言語習得)
2016-2019 韓国 釜山外国語大学校アジア共同体研究所 非常勤講師(アジア共同体論)
2016-2000 日本 国立大学日本語教育協議会 理事
2018-2018 中国 大連外国語大学日本語学院学術講座 講師(日本語の多義語の意味構造と習得研究, 応用認知言語学入門)
2019-2019 日本 宮崎大学日本語教員養成講座 講師(日本語教育文法1〜6)
2020.2-2026.2 オーストラリア UNSW Visiting Professorial Fellow


- これまで訪問した国・地域、都市のMAPはこちら

・ Korea(2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022, 2023 etc.:Seoul, 仁川, 江華, 水原, 大田, 天安, 慶州, 釜山, 済州, 雪嶽山, 東海, 大川, 38度線, 温陽, テグ etc.)
・ China(1981, 2002, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2016, 2018, 2019:北京, 広州, 天津, 万里長城, 上海, 大連, 旅順)
・ Hong Kong(1981)
・ Taiwan(2003, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2015, 2024:台北, 桃園, 台中, 新竹)
・ Thailand(1979, 1981, 1986, 2008, 2009:Bangkok, Chiang Mai)
・ Nepal(1981:Kathmandu)
・ India(1981:Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bodhgaya)
・ Israel(1981:Jerusalem, Tel Aviv)
・ Vietnam(2005, 2008:Ho Chi minh, Ha noi, Ha Long)
・ Singapore(2009)
・ Turkey(2010, 2013:Ankara, Istanbul)
・ Mongolia(2019 : Ulan Bator, Terelj National Park)
・ Katar(2023:Doha)

・ USA(1981, 1984, 2005, 2009, 2010, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2020:Anchorage, New York, Washington D.C.,Boston, Hawaii, Amherst, Chicago, San Francisco, Princeton)
・ Canada(2011, 2023:Vancouver, Toronto, London)

・ Italy(1981, 2008, 2010, 2018:Rome, Assisi, Brindisi, Lecce, Napoli, Mirano, Verona, Venezia, Firenze)
・ Vatican(1981, 2010)
・ Switzerland(2005:Zurich, Fribourg, Bern)
・ France(2006:Paris)
・ Poland(2007, 2008, 2009, 2012, 2023:Krakow, Warszawa, Wieliczka, Poznan, Zakopane, Murzasichle, Auschwitz)
・ Austria(2007, 2014:Vienna)
・ England(2008, 2023:London, Norwich)
・ Czech(2008, 2011:Praha)
・ Slovakia(2012:Bielanska Cave, Kezmarok)
・ Germany(2008, 2009, 2017, 2023:Frankfurt, Bonn, Munchen, Stuttgart, Heidelberg, Mannheim, Berlin)
・ Spain(2018:Madrid)
・ Finnland(2018:Helsinki)

・ Australia(2009, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2016, 2018, 2020, 2023, 2024:Sydney, Blue Mountains, Port stephens, Woolongong, Melbourne, Great Ocean Road, Grampians National Park, Adelaide, Finders Ranges National Park, Coober Pedy, Alice springs, Uluru, King's Canyon, Nitmiluk National Park, Litchfield National Park, Mary River National Park, Darwin, Kakadu National Park)
・ Saipan(2011)
・ New Zealand(2016, 2016:Christchurch, Auckland)

・ Egypt(1981:Cairo)


Jan.10-14 Napoli, Rome, on business
Mar.25-30 Milano, Verona, Venezia, and Rome, on vacation
Jul.30-Aug.2 Presentation at International Conference on Japanese Language Education, in Taipei, Taiwan
Aug.17-24 The Japan-Korean University Student International Exchange Seminar, in Korea
Aug.27-31 A invited talk at the Japanese Language Education Seminar, in Ankara, Turkey
Sep.26-29 Hawaii, on vacation
Jan.4-7 Saipan, on vacation
Mar.12-17 UNSW in Sydney, Australia, on business
May 29-Jun.4 2011 NAFSA Anual Conference in Vancouver, Canada, on business
Aug.2-24 Sookmyung, Ehwa, Dongduk in Seoul, Korea, on business
Sep.16-18 A workshop at the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cognitive Linguistics Association in Nara University of Education
Sep.19-23 An intensive seminar in Miyazaki Univ.
Nov.12-18 A invitation talk at the 6th International Consortium on the Japannese Studies at Charles University in Prague
Dec.16-18 An invitation talk at the Int'l Symposium on Multilingualism and Multiculturalism at University of Miyazaki
Dec.20 The 2nd Lecture Meeting on Global Education by Global Education Center, Ochanomizu University
Feb.18 The General Meeting of Kanto Association on the Second Language Acquisition at Ochanomizu University
Feb.26-Mar.4 The Consortium of Japanese and Korean Language Education at Ochanomizu University
Mar.10-18 MMCC International Student Forum 2012 on JAPN EARTHQUAKE and TSUNAMI at Ochanomizu University
Apr.13-23 An invitation to the International Japanese studies workshop held in Poland
Jul.24-31 The Japan-Korean University Student International Exchange Seminar, in Korea
Aug.9-Sep.27 The Japanese Language Education Training, at UNSW in Australia
Oct.19-21 Ewha Women's University, on business.
Nov.2-3 An invitation talk at the Annual Meeting of the Korean Association on the Japanese Language and Literature at Chathoric University of Daegu
Dec.23-30 Intensive seminar in Kainan Univ, Taiwan.
Feb.17-20 Kyemyung University and Ewha Women's University, on business.
Feb.28-Mar.1 Kick-off Symposium for Promotion of Global Human Resource Development Project at Ochanomizu University
Mar.10-18 International Student Forum 2013 at Ochanomizu University
Mar.23-29 UNSW in Sydney, Australia on business
Jul.25-31 The Japan-Korean University Student International Exchange Seminar, in Japan
Aug.9-31 The Japanese Language Education Training, at UNSW in Australia
Sept.9-15 EAIE2013 in Istanbul, Turkey
Feb.16-26 International Student Forum 2014 at Vassar College
Mar.9-17 International Student Forum 2014 at Ochanomizu University
Mar.17-22 APAIE2014 in Seoul, Korea
Mar.18 Konkuk University, on business
Mar.19 Ewha Womans University, on business
Mar.20 Korea University, on business
Apr-Sep. A Sabbatical leave in the spring 2014 semester.
Nov.5-15 The Kakehashi Project and visited Hunter College in New York, Smith College, Amherst College, Mount Holyoke College and University of Massachusetts in Amherst, and Northeastern Illinois University in Chicago.
Feb. A few universities in the U.S., on business
Mar.7-16 International Student Forum 2015 at Ochanomizu University
Mar.27-29 An invitation talk at the International Symposium on Japanese Language Education at Dayeh University
Aug.2-10 The Japan-Korean University Student International Exchange Seminar, in Korea
Aug.13-31 The Japanese Language Education Training, at UNSW in Australia
Sept.12 A workshop in JCLA at Doshisha University, in Kyoto
Oct.1-3 An invitation talk at Korea University, in Korea
Oct.11 A presentation in NKG(The Society for Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language) at Okinawa International University, in Okinawa
Oct.24-25 An invitation talk at Taiwan National University, in Taiwan
Nov.13 An invitation talk at Nagoya University, in Aichi
Dec.19-28 The Japan-Korean University Student Forum, in Korea
Mar. 14 A lecture at Busan University of Foreign Studies
May. 21 A presentation in NKG(The Society for Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language) at Mejiro University, in Tokyo
Jun. 14-17 Research at Dalian University of Technology and Dalian Neusoft University of Information
Aug.2-8 The Japan-Korean University Student International Exchange Seminar, in Japan
Aug.10-24 The Japanese Language Education Training, at UNSW in Australia
Aug.24-27 Visiting the University of Canterbury, New Zealand on bussiness: research and Special Lecture
Sept.3-6 The Japanese Language Education Training, at BUFS in Korea
Sept. 11 A presentation in JCLA at Meiji University, Tokyo
Oct. 28-Nov. 2 Visiting three of my university's partner universities in Seoul, Korea to collect data for my research.
Nov. 10-15 Visiting Christchurch, New Zealand and Sydney, Australia to collect data for my research.
Dec. 10-11 Attending the 19th annual conference by the Pragmatics Society of Japan at Shimonoseki City University. and meeting a professor of Yamaguchi University.
Dec. 15-17 Visiting Busan, Korea to collect data for my research.
Dec. 17-18 Attending the 27th annual conference of JASLA at Kyushu University
Mar. 10-12 An invitation as a lecturer to the 26th advanced training seminar at Stuttgart, Germany, by German Association for the Promotion of Japanese Teaching
Mar. 20 A lecture at Busan University of Foreign Studies, Korea
May. 13-14 A presentation in Princeton Japanese Pedagogy Forum at Princeton University
Sept. 8-15 The Japanese Language Education Training, at BUFS, Korea
Sept. 9 The Ochanomizu University Reunion, at Seoul, Korea
Sept. 10 Study in Japan Fairs, at Seoul, Korea
Sept. 16-17 A presentation in JCLA at Osaka University
Nov. 11 A trial lesson in the Kiin Festival at Ochanomizu University
Nov. 17 An invitation as a panelist of the symposium for the 30th anniversary of Korea-Japan Cultural Exchange Association at Bugyeung University, Korea
Nov. 18 A presentation in the 59th annual meeting of the Japanese Language and Literature Society of Korea at Bugyeung University, Korea
Feb. 7-16 7th International Student Forum, at Ochanomizu University, Japan
Mar. 26 A lecture at Busan University of Foreign Studies, Korea
Apr. 1 Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research C, "Japanese Language Education as Education for Intercultural Citizenship: Based on Plurilingualism & Pluriculturalism"(2018-2020) was accepted.
Aug. 1-6 Prezentations at ICJLE 2018, Venezia, Italy
Aug.18-31 The Japanese Language Education Training, at UNSW, Australia
Sept. 7 The Ochanomizu University Reunion, in Busan, Korea
Sept. 8 Study in Japan Fairs, in Busan, Korea
Sept. 6-12 The Japanese Language Education Training, at BUFS, Korea
Oct. 28-Nov. 1 Lectures on Applied Cognitive Linguistics at Dalian University of Foreign Languages and Dalian University of Technology, China
Feb. 7-16 8th International Student Forum, at Ochanomizu University, Japan
Mar. 2-3 1st Meeting of the Association for Language Education in Northeast Asia, at Kyushu University, Japan
Mar. 9 A presentation at the annual meeting of Association for Language and Culture Education, at Waseda University, Japan
June. 10 A lecture at Busan University of Foreign Studies, Korea
Aug. 25 A presentation at the 1st Annual Conference on Citizenship Education, at Osaka International University, Japan
Sept. 3-10 The Japanese Language Education Training, at BUFS, Korea
Sept. 5 Visit to Keimyung University, in Daegu, Korea
Sept. 7 The Ochanomizu University Reunion, in Seoul, Korea
Sept. 17-22 Research and lectures in Ulan Bator, Mongolia
Sept. 28 Lectures on the pedagogical grammar of Japanese, at Miyazaki University, Japan
Oct. 19-20 Study in Japan Fairs, in Beijing, China
Oct. 20 The Ochanomizu University Reunion, in Beijing, China
Feb.16-25 International Student Forum 2020 at Vassar College
Mar. 11-22 The Japanese Language Education Training, at UNSW, Australia
Oct. 4 Conference on Citizenship Education 2020, online, Japan citizenship Education Forum
Feb.16-25 10th International Student Forum, online
Aug. 28 EAJS International Conference 2020, online
Aug. 29- Sept.10 The Japanese Language Education Training, online
Oct. 3 Conference on Citizenship Education 2021, online, Japan citizenship Education Forum
Feb.7-8 Japan-Korean International Leadership Seminar, online
Feb.24-Mar. 3 11th International Student Forum, online
Apr. 1, 2022 Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research C, "Foreign Language Education for Developing Competence for Democratic Culture: For East Asian Countries to Live Together"(2022-2024) was accepted.
Sep. 23-Oct.1 Research trip to Korea: Ewha Woman's University, BUFS, Dongseo Univer, Kyemyung University, and Dongduk Women's University
Jan.22-25 Visiting Brescia University College, Canada
Jan.25-29 Visiting University of East Anglia, England
Feb.8-19 Visiting University of Technology Sydney / The Japanese Language Education Training, at UNSW, Australia
Sept. 10-16 The Japanese Language Teaching Training, at BUFS, Korea
Sept. 22-28 Study tour, Negative legacies in Poland and Germany, including Warsaw, Krakow, Auschwitz Birkenau, and Berlin
Dec. 2 Keynote lecture invited by the Korean Association of Japanese Education, Korea University, Seoul, Korea.
Mar.7-21 EDI Short-term Seminar for undergraduate students at University of Technology Sydney / The Japanese Language Education Training for graduate students at UNSW, Australia
Jun.6 Invited Lecture at International Symposium on Diversity in Education Theory and Practice at Hsuan Chuang University, Taiwan
Jun.7 Invited Lecture at National Taiwan University, Taiwan